Become your Elevated Self, and naturally manifest what you desire

What’s up?! I’m Leah

Manifestation Mentor and Coach. Your Personal Development BFF. I probs have a glass of champagne in my hand

and I’m here to help you, the ambitious woman, turn unfulfilled desires, dreams and goals into reality by helping you BECOME the version of yourself who already has it

Because the only “gap” you’re missing when it comes to manifesting everything you want is just unleashing an elevated version of you

I’m here to show you exactly how to do that only using the Faith, Belief and Certainty framework

Kick Start Your Dream Life

Master Manifestation

1:1 Next Level You: Identity Work

“When you ELEVATE, everything else elevates with you

— Leah Pearson

Grab your FREE audio mini training

5 Keys to Your Elevated Dream Life


Hi! I am Leah Pearson

As a manifestation expert and personal development obsessed, I am on a mission to help elevate ambitious women on a soul level by teaching them how to elevate the very components that dictate the results in their lives, businesses, health, relationships, or careers!