5 reasons why you aren’t manifesting what you want
If you are anything like me… I have probably asked myself this thousands of times in my journey.
“Why am I not manifesting what I want?!”
If you are like me, then you have been frustrated af, probably thought that manifesting was fake, or just thought you were totally broken.
And you desperately want to know what you are doing wrong, what you could improve, what aren’t you “getting”. Well I am here to tell you that it’s usually not that you aren’t grasping the concept of manifestation.
I also don’t want to tell you that you are doing anything wrong per say, but there may be a few tweaks you can make to your practice!
It is usually just some small shifts, or energy leaks if you will, that are making you not in total alignment with what you are desiring. So, in this post, I will break 5 potential reasons why you may not be manifesting what you want…YET.
Before we dive into that, I do want to do some housekeeping about manifestation and the law of attraction before we dive in!
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First, know that the law of attraction and manifestation are always at play.
Meaning that it is always perfectly playing out in your life. It isn’t something that can be turned off, just like gravity!
Manifestation is truly the unfoldment of your life based on the energy of YOU.
Your energy stems from your subconscious beliefs, thoughts, emotions and actions
From a practical since, you know your habits and actions produce results.
But what about from a spiritual sense? Energetic sense?
Because I am sure you know people who have worked really hard, taken action, but still don’t produce the results they desire
It is because everyone has an actual energetic frequency that comes off of their body. This isn’t woo, this is science.
Literally you have an aura, an electromagnetic field if you will, of energy coming off of you.
Energy carries information. That information then goes off into the ether and lands on like frequencies. That energy of life frequency magnetizes to you and shows up in your life in the form of physical reality (people, circumstances, money, opportunities, clients etc) and non-physical like energy like more of the same thoughts and feelings.
So really your ENERGY is the most important thing you can work on because it will ultimately affect your habits and actions anyways.
So now that we you know manifestation is happening all of the time, let’s break down the five reasons you may not be manifesting what you desire:
1. You haven’t changed your beliefs or ways of thinking:
1️⃣ It sounds so weird at first and woo but whether you try or like it, your beliefs ultimately shape your life, reality and results. Your beliefs are the foundation of your thoughts, emotions, and actions leading to being the foundation of the energy you put out into the Universe! Changing the perception (beliefs) of yourself and what’s possible and available to you will do the heavy lifting for you when it comes to manifesting - trust me!
2. You aren’t putting your energy first
2️⃣ We talked about this above but it is just SO important. Your energy is one of your greatest assists. For one being you ARE energy. As is everything else physical and non physical. Truly the great law of life is that energy is constantly moving toward like energy. Therefore raising your energetic state and being intentional with your energy is a non- negotiable! Are you saying yes to things and over scheduling yourself? Are you allowing your ticks to surface? Are you nourishing your mind, body, and soul? Take an audit and shift!
3. You don’t trust the process of Manifestation
3️⃣ You can’t just kinda think being the creator of your reality is real - you have to KNOW it. This is exactly why I created my signature manifesting framework Faith, Belief, and Certainty! It enables you to not have to question “how to manifest” or “can I manifest?” You just know, it’s inherent, it’s second nature, and all you gotta focus on is BECOMING the elevated version of yourself and the manifesting proceeds takes care of itself! If you desire deeper support in this, check out my free Primed to Manifest Masterclass HERE to discover my framework that enables you to be FULLY behind in your belief in manifestation.
4. You are being wishy washy in your goals
4️⃣ Having defined clear goals needs to be a top priority! Why? Because if you say something say like “I want more money” your automatic manifestor, your subconscious mind, will find a penny on the ground and think it’s job is done. You need to DEFINE how much and why and its purpose. Or if you say “less stressed” what does “less stress” LOOK like in your day to day
5. You don’t believe you are worthy of it
5️⃣ you get what you deeply believe you’re worthy of and deserving of. Through life we pick up all kinds of nonsense beliefs about what is available to us and why. We internalize this and think we’re only worthy of certain things. Work on integrating you’re worthy of everything you desire. Ask why am I not worthy? Are those reasons really true? Dismantle the doubt and show your mind that you are inherently worthy!
So, do any of these resonate? Let us know on IG if so by DMing @theabundanceattitude!
I am wishing you all the abundance,
PS: If you are craving manifestation mastery, be sure to check out Abundant Soul Academy that doesn’t teach you just how to manifest, but how to shift and expand what you manifest through!
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